Project Description

Digital servo-drive for main drive, take-up, let-off and winder
Wide power range and high performances in compact dimensions
Easy to adjust and full automatic operating with any kind of yarn
Load cell input for warp tension control
Master/Slave communication for synchronized weaving
Predisposed for remote control and programming unit
Ergotron presents a digital servo-drive for textile looms, which includes their four basic applications:
main drive
cloth take-up
warp let-off
cloth winder
ERGODRIVE has been equipped with software required for the four applications. This software enables the operator to control and electronically regulate important parameters as loom speed, slow motion speed, weft density, warp tension and cloth winding tension.
The innovation of this system consists in the synchronism of its four applications. When a variation is carried out on one or more parameters of ERGODRIVE, the other three immediately review and adapt their reference data.
The benefits resulting from this feature are an extreme regularity of weaving and the possibility of dynamic changes ordered either by remote control or by ERGODRIVE itself in loom speed, weft density, warp and cloth winding tension.

ERGODRIVE can be applied on every kind of loom, both new ones, with sophisticated electronic components able to communicate with serial interface, and on looms, which are not equipped with microprocessor.
On these latter, ERGODRIVE offers to the weaver the possibility of setting and visualizing the weaving data, as if it were a loom of the latest generation.
Programmable inputs and outputs according to the application
Motor and master encoder inputs
Programmable output for simulating encoder
Programmable inputs for speed reference and torque control
programmable inputs for load cell, analogic sensor and potentiometer
17 digital inputs – 2 analogic inputs
3 digital outputs – 1 programmable analogic output
EEPROM for configuration parameters backup
Display monitor in seven languages (ITA-ENG-DEU-FRA-ESP-POR-DUT)
Predisposed for having keyboard and display remote-controlled
RS485 serial interface for Master/Slave control
RS485 serial interface for loom CPU remote control and programming unit
Communication software for PC desktop, notebook and pocket PC handhelds